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【CHLR应用微观讲座】Mother education and child development: Evidence from the compulsory school reform in China

发布时间:2018-04-24 16:58:24  点击:  来源:


主   题:【CHLR应用微观讲座】Mother education and child development: Evidence from the compulsory school reform in China

主讲人:刘 宏

摘   要:This paper investigates the causal impact of mother's schooling on a wide range of childhood outcomes and the underlying mechanisms, by exploiting the China compulsory education law enacted in 1986. Using data from China Family Panel Studies, we examine various outcomes of adolescent development, including school enrollment, cognitive ability, non-cognitive ability, mental health, self-reported health, and anthropometric outcomes. We find that mother's education not only has a significant causal effect on children's school enrollment and math test score, but also improves children's non-cognitive outcomes such as internal locus of control, mental health, and nutritional status. We also find that mother's education leads to substantial socioeconomic benefits for their children as well as an improvement in family stress and relations, which we interpret as two potential mechanisms behind our findings.


刘宏是中央财经大学中国经济与管理研究院教授,美国纽约大学石溪分校经济学博士。刘教授的研究领域是卫生经济学、公共政策评估、劳动经济学、发展经济学,曾发表多篇国内国际高质量论文,其研究成果发表于Journal of Comparative Economics,Journal of Population Economics,Journal of Economics Behavior and Organization, Health Economics, China Economic Review,《经济研究》等期刊。


时间:2018年4月25日星期三 12:30-13:45





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