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【5月3日】 High Social Status Induces Prosocial Behavior

发布时间:2018-04-26 16:53:06  点击:  来源:

主   题: High Social Status Induces Prosocial Behavior

主讲人: 郑金笛      

摘   要: Does a high social status make people more generous? Using a laboratory experiment, I generate social status (either randomly or earned) and compare prosocial behavior between people with high and low status. In a novel one-shot, two-player, two-stage game, a high-status subject is paired with a low-status subject to determine joint production. Player 1 gives a nonbinding advice a to player 2, suggesting an effort level for player 2. Player 2 learns about a and determines the actual effort for both players. Total effort is constant and it is costly to exert effort. Deviation from the advice causes a loss in the team payoff. Results show that prosocial behavior is status-specific: 1) High-status subjects are less selfish than their low-status counterparts. 2) When status is earned, there are even fewer selfish players 2 with high status; moreover, they deviate less from the advice such that less efficiency is lost. (JEL Codes: I21; I24; J13; J24; O15)      




时 间:2018年5月3日星期四12:30-13:45      

地 点:学术会堂南楼608室      



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