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发布时间:2016-01-20 17:52:31  点击:  来源:



“Discontinuity of Output Convergence within the U.S.: Why Has the Course Changed” (with Chi-Young Choi), Economic Inquiry 53, issue 1, January 2015: 4971.


“Access to College and Heterogeneous Returns to Education in China” (with Belton M. Fleisher, Haizheng Li, and Shi Li), Economics of Education Review 42, October 2014: 7892.  

“Human Capital in China, 19852008” (with Haizheng Li, Yunling Liang, Barbara Fraumeni, and Zhiqiang Liu), Review of Income and Wealth 59, issue 2, June 2013: 212234.


“Is the Price Elasticity of Money Demand Always Unity?” (with Paul D. Evans), Economic Inquiry 46, issue 4, October 2008: 587­592.  


“A Tale of Two Effects” (with Paul D. Evans), Review of Economics and Statistics 90, issue 1, February 2008: 147­ 157.  


“Return to Education in China under Planning and Reform.” (with Belton M. Fleisher), Journal of Comparative

Economics 33, issue 2, June 2005: 265­ 277.  


“Returns to Skills and the Speed of Reforms: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe, China, and Russia.” (with

Belton M. Fleisher, Klara Sabirianova), Journal of Comparative Economics 33, issue 2, June 2005: 351­370.9/29/2011  


“Skill Differentials, Return to Schooling, and Market Segmentation in a Transition Economy: The Case of Mainland

China.” (with Belton M. Fleisher), Journal of Development Economics 73, February 2004: 315­328.  


“Potential Residual and Relative Wages in Chinese Township and Village Journal of Comparative Economics 31,  issue 3, September 2003: 429­443.    


“Efficiency Wages and Work Incentives in Urban and Rural China.” (with Belton M. Fleisher), Journal of Comparative Economics 29, issue 4, December 2001: 645­662.  



职位 副教授 学历1 经济学博士
学历2 Ohio State University 办公室

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