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发布时间:2016-01-20 17:53:42  点击:  来源:


  • The Long-term Effect of the Maternal and Infant Health Act on the Human Capital of Adolescents in China, Applied Economics Letters, 2024, forthcoming, (with Xin Li, and Guansheng Wu).
  • Are grandparents a good substitute for parents as the primary caregiver? The impact of grandparents on Children's academic performance, Labour Economics, 2024, 88, 102545, (with Cynthia Bansak).
  •  Endogenous Information Acquisition and Disclosure of Private Information in a Duopoly, Economic Modelling, 2023, 126, (with Yin, Xundong, Lu, Yuanzhu and Yan, Jianye). 

  •  Returns to Military Service in Off-farm Wage Employment: Evidence from Rural China, China Economics Review, 2020, 59, (with Liu, Hong and Hou, Benyufang). 

  • Timing and Duration of Paternal Migration and the Left-behind Children’s Educational Attainment – Evidence from Rural China, Review of Development Economics, 2019, 23, 727- 744. 

  • Labor Mobility Barriers and Rural-urban Migration in Transitional China, China Economics Review, 2019, 53, 211-224, (with Fu, Yu B.). 

  • Migrant Children or Left-Behind Children: The Dilemma of Rural Migrant Parents in China. In Noah Hamlyn-Harris, eds., Rural China in Focus: Political, Environmental and Social Issues (Nova Science Publishers), 2019. Sophie Xuefei Wang Page 3 - 2

  • Population Growth and the Environmental Kuznets Curve, China Economic Review, 2015, 36, 146-165, (with Fu, Yu B. and Zhang, Zhe G.).
  • Is Social Capital Eroded by State-led Urbanization in China? A Case Study on Indigenous Villagers in the Urban Fringe of Beijing, China Economic Review, 2015, 35, 232-246, (with Zhang, Lei and Yu, Li).
  • The Effect of Parental Migration on the Educational Attainment of Their Left-behind Children in Rural China, The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 2014, 14(3), 1037– 1080.
  • Generalists, Specialists: Who Get to the Top, International Journal of Management and Marketing Research, vol 1, 2008.


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