First Name:
Last Name:
Institution (As you would like it to appear on your badge):
Street Address 1:
Street Address 2:
Zip/Postal Code:
Telephone (Please include country and area code):
Conference Fee:
Requirements for invoices:
(Verification required for students: a letter from school or the copy of student ID.)
RMB 630for regular participants before November 15th (inclusive)
RMB 315 for students before November 15th (inclusive)
RMB 945 for regular participants after November 15th
RMB 473 for students after November 15th
Hotel reservation:
Note: With * denotes required field. Press "Submit" after completion!
Note: A valid student ID is required to check in the conference.
Otherwise, it is required to pay the on-site registration fee.

北京市海淀区学院南路39号学术会堂南楼六层 邮编:100081

电话(传真):010-62288298 邮件