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Barbara M. Fraumeni

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Human Capital and Education

1.  “Human Capital in China , 1985-2008,” with Haizheng Li, Yunling Liang,Zhiqiang  Liu, and Xiaojun Wang, forthcoming in the Review of Income and Wealth.

2.  Panel on Measuring Higher Education Productivity: Conceptual Framework and Data Needs, Theresa A. Sullivan, Christopher Mackie,William F. Massy, and Esha Sinha, eds., Improving Measurement of Higher Education Productivity,National Research Council of the National Academies, Committee on National Statistics and Board on Testing and Assessment, The National Academies Press,Washington, D.C., 2012. This is a panel authored book and I was a member of the panel.

3.  “Human Capital Accounts: Choice of Rates and Construction of Volume Indices,”National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Number 16895, March 2011, forthcoming in Italian, to be published by the Italian Statistical Agency.

4.  “Human Capital and Economic Growth in China,” listed as contributor to the publication with Haizheng Li and Glenn-Marie Lange, Chapter 6 of The Changing Wealth of Nations, Measuring Sustainable Development in the New Millennium, The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development/The World Bank, Washington, DC., 2011, pp. 105-118.

5.  “China‟s Human Capital Measurement and Index Construction,” co-authored with Haizheng Li, Yunling Liang, Zhiqiang  Liu, and Xiaojun Wang, Economic Research Journal, in Chinese, August 2010, pp. 42-54.

6.  “Human Capital in China,” co-authored with Haizheng Li, Zhiqiang  Liu, and Xiaojun Wang, National Bureau of Economic Research Working Paper Number 15500, November 2009.

7.   “Human Capital in China,” co-authored with Haizheng Li, Zhiqiang  Liu, and Xiaojun  Wang, China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research,Central University of Finance and Economics, prepared for the International Symposium on Measuring Human Capital and Its Impact on Welfare and Growth: Inaugurating the China Human Capital Index, Beijing, China, October 10, 2009.

8.  “Human Capital:  From Indicators to Accounts,” paper presented at a Fondazione Giovanni Agnelli/OECD workshop on human capital accounts, Turin, Italy,November 4, 2008, available at http://www.oecd.org/document/39/0,3343,en_2649_33715_41153767_1_1_1_1,00.html

9.  “Cuentas de Produccion Domestica de los Hogares para Canada, Mexico, y Estados Unidos:  Aspectos Metodologicos, Resultados y Recomendaciones,” in La Economia Invisible y las Desigualdades de Genero, Organization Panamaricana de la Salud, Washington, D.C. 2008, pp. 21-34.

10. “Household Production Accounts for Canada, Mexico, and the United States:Methodological Issues, Results, and Recommendations,” IARIW 30th General Conference, Portoroz, Slovenia, August 26, 2008, available at http://www.iariw.org/papers/2008/fraumeni.pdf .
11. “Measuring the Education Output of Government Using a Human Capital Approach:  What Might Estimates Show?” in United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and Statistics Netherlands, Measuring Capital Beyond the Traditional Measures, Proceedings of the Seminar Session of the 2007 Conference of European Statisticians, United Nations, New York and Geneva,2008, pp. 113-123, paper presented at the Fifty-fifth Plenary Session, Geneva, 11-13 June 2007.

12. “Price and Real Output Measures for the Education Function of Government:Exploratory Estimates for Primary and Secondary Education,” co-authored with Marshall B. Reinsdorf, Brooks B. Robinson, and Mathew P. Williams, in John Greenlees and Charles Hulten, eds., Price Index Concepts and Measurement,CRIW NBER Book Series Studies in Income and Wealth,University of Chicago Press, 2009, pp.373-403.

13. “Real Output Measures for the Education Function of Government:  A First Look at Primary and Secondary Education,” co-authored with Marshall B. Reinsdorf,Brooks B. Robinson, and Matthew P. Williams, paper presented at the Public Services Performance Workshop, National Institute of Economic and Social Research, London, UK, March 2, 2004.

14. “The Output of the Education Sector as Determined by Education‟s Effect on Lifetime Income,” paper presented at the Brookings Program on Output and Productivity Measurement in the Service Sector, Workshop on Measuring the Output of the Education Sector,Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, April 7,2000.

15. “The Quality of the U.S. Work Force, 1948-90,” co-authored with Dale W.Jorgenson and Mun S. Ho, paper presented by Dale W. Jorgenson at the NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge, MA, July 21, 1994.

16. “Education and Economic Growth,” Atlantic Economic Journal, co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Vol. 21, No. 2, 1993, pp. 1-25.

17. “Investment in Education and U.S. Economic Growth,” Scandinavian Journal of Economics,  co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Vol. 94, supplement, 1992, pp. S51-70.

18. “Investeringar i Utbildning och Ekonomisk Tillvaxt i USA,” in L. Bergman, (ed.), Produktivitet & Ekonomisk Tillvaxt,  Ekonomiska Radet 1991,  co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Ekonomiska Radet, Stockholm, Sweden, 1992, pp. 71-99.

19. “The Output of the Education Sector,” in Z. Griliches, T. Breshnahan, M. Manser,and E. Berndt (eds.), The Output of the Service Sector, co-authored with Dale W.Jorgenson, Chicago, NBER, 1992, pp. 303-341.

20.  “Investment in Education and U.S. Economic Growth,” in M. Bloomfield, M.Thorning and C. Walker (eds.), The Saving Challenge:  The Options for Productivity and Growth, co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Westview Press,Boulder, Colorado, 1990, pp. 114-143.

21.  “Investment in Education,” Educational Researcher, co-authored with Dale W.Jorgenson, Vol. XVIII,  No. 4, May 1989, pp. 35-44.

22. “Investment in Education and U.S. Economic Growth,” co-authored with Dale W.Jorgenson, Conference on Welfare, Quality and Productivity in the Service Industries:  An International Symposium on Productivity Concepts and Measurement Problems, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, May 21-23, 1991.

23. “Productivity and U.S. Economic Growth: 1979-1985,” co-authored with Dale W.Jorgenson, Discussion Paper, Harvard Institute of Economic Research,Cambridge, MA, December 1990.

24. “The Accumulation of Human and Non-Human Capital, 1948-1984,” in R. Lipsey and H. Tice, The Measurement of Saving, Investment and Wealth, co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Chicago, University of Chicago Press, NBER, 1989, pp.227-282, presented in at the CRIW, NBER Conference on the Measurement of Saving, Investment, and Wealth, March 27, 1987.

25. “The Output of the Education Sector,” paper presented at an invited American Economic Association (AEA) session entitled “New Developments in National Income and Product  Accounts,” Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) Annual Meeting, Atlanta, December 1989.

26. “The Output of the Education Sector,” paper presented at the NBER Productivity Winter Meetings and Summer Institute of the Measurement of Output and Prices subgroup, 1988.

Nonhuman Capital and Productivity

27. “A Proposal to Include Motor Vehicles in the U.S. Travel and Tourism Accounts,” co-authored with Sumiye Okubo and Mahnaz Fahim-Nader, Survey of Current Business, June 2007, pp. 30-42, available at http://www.bea.gov/scb/pdf/2007/06%20June/0607_Travel.pdf .
28.  “An Integrated BEA/BLS Production Account:  A First Step and Theoretical Considerations,” co-authored with Michael J. Harper, Susan G. Powers, and Robert E. Yuskavage, in Dale W. Jorgenson, J. Steven Landefeld, and William D. Nordhaus, eds., A New Architecture for the U.S. National Accounts, CRIW/NBER, University of Chicago Press, 2006, pp. 355-435.

29. “Improved U.S. Travel and Tourism Satellite Accounts:  Extension to Include Imputed Services of Motor Vehicles and Vacation Homes,” paper presented by co-authors Sumiye Okubo and Mahnaz Fahim-Nader at the International Conference on Tourism Satellite Accounts:  Credible Numbers for Good Business Decisions, Vancouver, BC Canada, May 8-10, 2001.

30. “Alternative Treatments of Consumer Durables in the National Accounts,” paper presented by co-author Sumiye Okubo at the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) Advisory Committee meeting, May 11, 2001.6

31. “The Measurement of Depreciation, Capital Stocks, and Changes in Stocks in the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts,” co-authored with Shelby W.Herman, paper presented at the International Association for Research on Income and Wealth‟s (IARIW) 26th
 General Conference, Cracow, Poland, August 28,2000.

32. “Depreciating Personal Computers,” co-authored with Shelby W. Herman, BEA National Income and Product Accounts (NIPA) comprehensive proposal, 1999.

33. “Revision of Service Life for Highways and Streets,” co-authored with Jennifer Franklin, BEA NIPA comprehensive revision proposal, 1999.

34. “Productivity, Wealth, Intangible and Human Capital,” paper presented at the CRIW, NBER Pre-conference on New Developments in Productivity Analysis,Washington, D.C., November 22, 1997.

35. “Expanding Economic Accounts for Productivity Analysis: A Nonmarket and Human Capital Perspective,” CRIW, NBER Conference on New Developments in Productivity Analysis, Silver Spring MD, March 21, 1998.

36. “The Measurement of Depreciation in the U.S. National Income and Product Accounts,” Survey of Current Business, pp. 7-23, July 1997.

37. “Productivity and Economic Growth,” teachers textbook supplement to Richard Tresch, Principles of Economics, West Publishers, 1994.

38. “The Economics of Technical Progress:  A Comment,” Eastern Economic Review,Volume XV, No. 4, October-December 1989, p. 337.

39. “A General Analysis of U.S. Interindustry Productivity Growth Differences,1948-1979,” in J. W. Kendrick, (ed.), Interindustry Differences in Productivity Growth, co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson and Frank M. Gollop, Boston,Ballinger, 1987.

40. “The Role of Capital in U.S. Economic Growth, 1948-1979,” in A. Dogramaci,(ed.), Measurement Issues and Behavior of Productivity Variables, co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Boston, Klower-Nijhoff, 1986, pp. 161-244.

41. “Productivity and Growth of Sectoral Output in the United States, 1948-1979,”co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson and Frank M. Gollop Discussion Paper Number 1217, Cambridge, Harvard Institute of Economic Research, February 1986.

42. “The Role of Capital in U.S. Economic Growth, 1948-1979,” co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Discussion Paper Number 1134, Cambridge, Harvard Institute of Economic Research, February 1985.

43. “Relative Prices and Technical Change,” in W. Eichhorn, R. Henn, K. Neumann,and R. W. Shephard (eds.), Quantitative Studies on Production and Prices, co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Federal Republic of Germany, Physica-Verlag,Wurzburg-Wein, 1983, pp. 241-269.

44.  “The Role of Capital and Productivity in U.S. Economic Growth,” Conference Proceedings of the Small Business Research Conference, Vol. 2, Bentley College,Waltham, March 5-7, 1981, pp. 197-217.

45.  “Relative Prices and Technical Change in Production,” in E. Berndt and B.Field (eds.), Modeling and Measuring Natural Resource Substitution, co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1981, pp. 17-47.7

46. “Capital Formation and U.S. Economic Growth, 1948-1976,” in A. Dogramaci(ed.), Productivity Analysis:  A Range of Perspectives, co-authored with Dale W.Jorgenson, Boston, Martinus Nijhoff, November 1980, pp. 49-70.

47. “Rate of Return by Industrial Sector in the United States, 1948-1976,” American Economic Review, co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Vol. 70, No. 2, May 1980, pp. 326-330; reprinted in Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, United States Senate, Industrial Innovation, Ninety-Sixth Congress, First Session, 1979, pp. 110-120.

48. “The Sectoral Sources of U.S. Economic Growth, 1948-1976,” in J. Frohn and R.Staglin (eds.), Empirischen Wirtschaftforshung, co-authored with Dale W.Jorgenson, Berlin, Duncker, and Humblot, 1980, pp. 27-40, reprinted in Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, United States Senate,Industrial Innovation, Ninety-Sixth Congress, First Session, 1979, pp. 82-101.

49. “The Role of Capital in U.S. Economic Growth, 1948-1976,” in G. von Furstenberg, (ed.),  Capital, Efficiency, and Growth, co-authored with Dale W.Jorgenson, Cambridge, Ballinger, 1980, pp. 9-250.

50. “Substitution and Technical Change in Production,” co-authored with Dale W.Jorgenson, Discussion Paper Number 752, Cambridge, Harvard Institute of Economic Research, March 1980; presented at the International Symposium of Natural Resources and Production, Karlsruhe, Federal Republic of Germany, June 23-July 4, 1980.

51. “U.S. Economic Growth, 1949-1979,” co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson and Frank M. Gollop, NBER Seminar on Productivity and Investment, Cambridge,July 25, 1983.

52. Investment, Capital Stock, and Capital Input by Industry, co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson, Report to the Office of Tax Analysis, U.S. Treasury Department,July 1981.
E-commerce, New Economy, and Digital Economy

53.  “E-Commerce: Measurement and Measurement Issues,” paper presented at the ASSA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, January 5, 2001, American Economic Review, May 2001, pp. 318-322.

54.  “Measuring the New Economy in the United States,” co-authored with J.Steven Landefeld, submitted as a supporting paper to the 49th plenary session of the Conference of Europeans Statisticians, Geneva, Switzerland, June 11-13, 2001.

55.  “Measuring the New Economy,” paper co-authored and presented by J. Steven Landefeld, BEA Advisory Committee Meeting, BEA, Washington, DC, May 5,2000, published in the Survey of Current Business, March 2001, pp. 23-40.

56.  “Measurement, Productivity, and the New Economy,” paper presented at the 10th Anniversary Conference, Valencian Institute of Economic Research,Valencia, Spain, December 18, 2000, published in Spanish.

57. “Government Statistics: E-commerce and the Electronic Economy,” paper co-authored with Marilyn E. Manser and Thomas L. Mesenbourg, Jr., presented by Mesenbourg at the Federal Economic Statistics Advisory Committee (FESAC) meeting, Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Washington, DC, June 15, 2000.

58. “The Digital Economy and E-Commerce from a Measurement Perspective: Keeping Up With the Changes,” co-authored with Brent Moulton, presented at the Federation of Tax Administrators Conference, Nashville, TN, September 29, 1999.

59. “The National Accounts in a Changing Economy: How BEA Measures E-Commerce,” co-authored with Ann M. Lawson, and G. Christian Ehemann, paper presented at the Brookings Program on Output and Productivity Measurement in the Service Sector, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC, September 24, 1999.


60. Barbara M. Fraumeni, Productive Highway Capital Stocks and the Contribution of Highways to Growth in GDP, Volume I, under subcontract to Battelle Memorial Institute. subcontract no. 208937 to work order BAT-03-21, Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, October 2007.

61. Barbara M. Fraumeni, Productive Highway Capital Stocks and the Contribution of Highways to Growth in GDP, Volume II, Documentation, under subcontract to Battelle Memorial Institute, subcontract no. 208937 to work order BAT-03-21,Federal Highway Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation, October 2007.

62. “Task 1 Report, Updating Productive Highway Capital Stocks,” report written under subcontract to Battelle Memorial Institute, subcontract No. 208937, BAT-03-21, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, March 19,2007.

63. Productive Highway Capital Stock Measures, report written under subcontract to Battelle Memorial Institute, contract DTFH61-97-C-00010, BAT-98-006, Federal Highway Administration, Department of Transportation, January 1999.

64. “Strategies for Measuring Productive Highway Capital Stocks,” paper presented at the National Academy of Sciences (NAS), Transportation Research Board (TRB) and Bureau of Transportation Statistics Conference for Information Requirements for Transportation Economic Analysis, Irvine, CA, August 19,1999.

65. “Productive Highway Capital Stocks Final Results,” paper presented at the NBER Summer Institute, Cambridge, MA, July 20, 1999.
66. “Productive Highway Capital Stocks,” paper presented at the Enos Transportation Foundation conference, Washington, DC, February 16, 1999.


67.  “R&D in the National Income and Product Accounts:  A First Look at Its Effect on GDP,” co-authored with Sumiye Okubo, in Carol Corrado, John Haltiwanger,and Daniel Sichel, eds., Measuring Capital in the New Economy, CRIW/NBER,University of Chicago Press, 2005, pp. 275-316.

68. “R&D in U.S. National Accounts,” co-authored with Sumiye Okubo, paper presented at the IARIW‟s 28th General Conference, Cork, Ireland, August 26, 2004.  

69. “R&D in the National Income and Product Accounts:  A First Look at Its Effect on GDP,” co-authored with Sumiye Okubo, paper presented at the CRIW, NBER Conference on Measuring Capital in the New Economy, April 26-27, 2002, also presented at the Winter NBER Productivity meetings, December 6, 2002.

70. “R&D in the National Income and Product Accounts:  A First Look at Its Effect on GDP,” co-authored with Sumiye Okubo, November 2002 version of the above paper presented at the Winter NBER Productivity meetings, December 6, 2002.

71. “R&D Satellite Accounts and Returns to Private R&D,” co-authored with Sumiye Okubo, paper presented at a Society of Government Economists (SGE) session,ASSA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, January 7, 2001.

72. “Using National Accounts to Assess the Role of R&D in the U.S. Economy,”paper co-authored and presented by Sumiye Okubo at the U.S.-China Joint Policy Seminar, U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF), National Natural Science Foundation of China, October 24, 2000.


73. “Economic Analysis” and “Appendices,” in  2012 Maine Child Support Guidelines Review and Recommendations, submitted to the Maine Department of Health and Human Services, Office for Family Independence, Division of Child Support Enforcement, co-authored with Sally Ward, draft June 2012.

74. “Economic Surveys of Households and Industries,” forthcoming in Public Economics: The Government's Role in American Economics, co-authored with Edward J. Spar, Praeger, forthcoming.

75. “National Accounts Statistics,” Miodrag Lovric, ed., International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2010.

76. "Taking the Pulse of the Economy:  Measuring GDP," Journal of Economic Perspectives, co-authored with J. Steven Landefeld and Eugene P. Seskin, Vol. 22,No. 2, Spring 2008, pp. 193-216.

77. “Accounting for Household Production: A Prototype Satellite Account Using the American Time Use Survey,” co-authored with J. Steven Landefeld and Cindy M.Vojtech, Review of Income and Wealth, June 2009, pp. 205-25.

78. “Accounting for Nonmarket Household Production:  A National Accounts Approach Using the American Time Use Survey,” co-authored with J. Steven Landefeld and Cindy M.Vojtech, paper co-presented at the American Time Use Early Results Conference, Bethesda, MD, December 8-9th, 2005.

79. Panel to Study the Design of Nonmarket Accounts, Katharine G. Abraham and Christopher Mackie, eds., Beyond the Market, Designing Nonmarket Accounts for the United States, National Research Council of the National Academies,Committee on National Statistics, The National Academies Press, Washington,D.C., 2005. This is a panel authored book and I was a member of the panel.

80. “Bureau of Economic Analysis Disaster Damage Estimates,” paper presented at the Forum on Risk Management and Assessments of Natural Hazards,Washington, DC, February 6, 2001.

81. “Ruggles & Ruggles: A National Income Accounting Partnership,” Survey of Current Business, April 2001, pp. 14-15.  

82. “The Status of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting in the USA,”paper presented at the Environmental Valuation in Europe Workshop, Green National Accounting in Europe: Comparison of Methods and Experiences,Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei, Milan, Italy, March 7, 2000.

83. “The Jorgenson System of National Accounting,” in Lawrence J. Lau, (ed.),Econometrics, Volume 2:  Econometrics and the Cost of Capital, The MIT Press:Cambridge, MA, 2000, pp. 111-142.

84. “Zvi Griliches and His Contribution to Economic Measurement,” Survey of Current Business, January 2000, pp. 15-17.

85. “Through the Eyes of the Mentor,” Diversity Newsletter, Working Group on Diversity Issues, BEA, Vol. 7, No. 4, October 30, 2001.
86. Econometrics and Data of the 9 Sector Dynamic General Equilibrium Model, co-authored with Ernst R. Berndt, Edward A. Hudson, Dale W. Jorgenson, andThomas M. Stoker, Final Report to the Macroeconomic Analysis   Division,Energy Information Administration, Volume III, March 1981.

87. Final Report to the Macroeconomic Analysis Division, Energy Information Administration, Volume III, March 1981, co-authored with Ernst R. Berndt,Edward A. Hudson, Dale W. Jorgenson, and Volume III, March 1981.

88. “Appendix 1, Data Development for the DGEM Household Model,” in The 36 Sector Model of Household Behavior, report by Data Resources Inc. to the Applied Economics Division, Federal Preparedness Agency, General Services Administration, 1979, pp. A1-A45.
89. The 36 Sector Model of Producer Behavior, Volume I, Report to the Applied Economics Division, Federal Emergency Management Agency, October 31, 1979.

90. Fuel and Energy Use in the United States, co-authored with Dale W. Jorgenson and Frank M. Gollop, report to the U.S. Department of the Interior, July 1, 1976.  

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