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Thomas Dee

发布时间:2016-01-20 点击次数:

“Forsaking All Others? The Effects of Same-Sex Partnership Laws on Risky Sex” Economic Journal 118(530), July 2008, 1055-1078.

“Out-of-Field Teaching and Student Achievement: Evidence from ‘Matched-Pairs’ Comparisons” with Sarah Cohodes ’05, Public Finance Review 36(1), January 2008, 7-32.

“Technology and Voter Intent: Evidence from the California Recall Election,” The Review of Economics and Statistics 89(4), November 2007, 674-683.

“Teachers and the Gender Gaps in Student Achievement,” Journal of Human Resources 42(3), Summer 2007, pages 528-554.

“The Effects of School Size on Parental Involvement and Social Capital: Evidence from the ELS:2002,” with Wei Ha and Brian A. Jacob, Brookings Papers on Education Policy 2006/2007, pages 77-97. August 2008

“The Why Chromosome: How a teacher’s gender affects boys and girls,” Education Next 6(4), Fall 2006, pages 68-75.

“The Strength of Graduated Drivers License Programs and Fatalities among Teen Drivers and Passengers,” with David C. Grabowski, Michael A. Morrisey, and Christine Campbell, Accident Analysis and Prevention 38(1), January 2006, pages 135-141.

“A Teacher Like Me: Does Race, Ethnicity or Gender Matter?” American Economic Review 95(2), May 2005, pages 158-165.

“The Effects of Catholic Schooling on Civic Participation” International Tax and Public Finance 12(5), September 2005, 605-625.

“Graduated Driver Licensing and Teen Traffic Fatalities,” with David C. Grabowski and Michael A. Morrisey, Journal of Health Economics 24(3), May 2005, pages 571-589.

“Dollars and Sense,” with Benjamin J. Keys ’01, Education Next 5(1), Winter 2005, pages 60-67.

“Expense Preference and Student Achievement in School Districts,” Eastern Economic Journal 31(1) , Winter 2005, pages 23-44.

“The Fate of New Funding: Evidence from Massachusetts' Education Finance Reforms,” with Jeffrey Levine '00, Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 26(3), Fall 2004, pages 199-215.

“Does Merit Pay Reward Good Teachers? Evidence from a Randomized Experiment,” with Benjamin Keys '01, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, 23(3), Summer 2004, pages 471-488.

“Are There Civic Returns to Education?” Journal of Public Economics 88(9), August 2004, pages 1697-1720.

“Teachers, Race and Student Achievement in a Randomized Experiment,” The Review of Economics and Statistics 86(1), February 2004, pages 195-210.

“Do Charter Schools Skim Students or Drain Resources?” with Helen Fu '01, Economics of Education Review 23(3), June 2004, pages 259-271.

“The Race Connection,” Education Next 4(2), Spring 2004, pages 53-59.

“Lotteries, Litigation and Education Finance,” Southern Economic Journal 70(3), January 2004, pages 584-599.

“Learning to Earn,” Education Next 3(3), Summer 2003, pages 65-70.

“The Fatality Effects of Highway Speed Limits by Gender and Age,” with Rebecca Sela '02, Economics Letters 79(3), June 2003, pages 401-408.

“AIDS Mortality May Have Contributed to the Decline in Syphilis Rates in the United States in the 1990's,” with Harrell W. Chesson and Sevgi O Aral, Sexually Transmitted Diseases 30(5), May 2003, pages 419-424.

“Teen Drinking and Educational Attainment: Evidence from Two-Sample Instrumental Variables (TSIV) Estimates,” with William N. Evans, Journal of Labor Economics 21(1), January 2003, pages 178- 209.

“Until Death Do You Part: The Effects of Unilateral Divorce on Spousal Homicides,” Economic Inquiry 41(1), January 2003, pages 163-182.

“The Effects of Minimum Legal Drinking Ages on Teen Childbearing,” Journal of Human Resources 36(4), Fall 2001, pages 823-828.

“Behavioral Policies and Teen Traffic Safety,” with William N. Evans, American Economic Review 91(2), May 2001, pages 91-96.

“Alcohol Abuse and Economic Conditions: Evidence from Repeated Cross-Sections of Individual-Level Data,” Health Economics 10(3), April 2001, pages 257-270.

“Does Setting Limits Save Lives? The Case of 0.08 BAC Laws,” Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 20(1), 2001, pages 113-130.

“The Capitalization of Education Finance Reforms,” Journal of Law and Economics 43(1), April 2000, pages185-214.

“The Complementarity of Teen Smoking and Drinking,” Journal of Health Economics 18(6), December 1999, pages 767-773.  Reprinted in The Economics of Health Behaviours, John Cawley and Donald S. Kenkel (editors), Edward Elgar Publishing, 2008.

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