一、 教育背景
Ø 1997 年: 美国科罗拉多大学波德主校区 经济学博士
University of Colorado-Boulder Ph.D., Economics
Ø 1995 年: 美国科罗拉多大学波德主校区 经济学硕士
University of Colorado-Boulder MA, Economics
Ø 1991 年: 中国人民大学 经济学硕士
Ø 1988 年: 华中理工大学 工学学士
二、 工作经历
Ø 2010 年 7 月-至今:美国佐治亚理工大学经济学院教授(终身教授)
Ø 2004 年 8 月-2010 年 6 月:美国佐治亚理工大学经济学院副教授(终身教授)
Ø 1998 年 8 月-2004 年 8 月:美国佐治亚理工大学经济学院助理教授
Ø 1997 年 8 月-1998 年 8 月:美国佐治亚理工大学经济学院访问助理教授
Ø 1996 年 8 月-1997 年 5 月:美国科罗拉多大学波德主校区经济系研究生讲师
Ø 1992 年 8 月-1996 年 8 月:美国科罗拉多大学波德主校区经济系助教、助研
Ø 1991 年 7 月-1992 年 7 月:中国人民大学助理教授
三、 研究方向
Ø 人力资本、劳动经济学、计量经济学、经济发展、中国经济
四、 英文学术期刊论文
1. 代表性论文
n “Managerial human capital and corporate R&D investment”, Jing Xu*, Haizheng Li, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol.213, pp.151-171, 2023.
n “Policy Initiatives, Self-Sorting, and Labor Market Effects of Tertiary Education for Adult Workers”, Haizheng Li, Qinyi Liu*, Yan Su and Peer Ederer, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, vol.209, pp.205-221, 2023.
n “Regional Distribution and Dynamics of Human Capital in China 1985-2014”, Barbara M. Fraumeni, Junzi He, Haizheng Li*, Qinyi Liu, Journal of Comparative Economics, vol. 47(4), pp. 853-866, 2019.
n “Access to College and Heterogeneous Returns to Education in China”, Xiaojun Wang*, Belton Fleisher, Haizheng Li, Shi Li, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 42, pp. 78-92, 2014.
n “Economic Transition, Higher Education and Worker Productivity in China”, Belton Fleisher*, Yifan Hu, Haizheng Li, Seonghoon Kim, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 94, No.1, pp. 86-94, 2011.
n “Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Regional Inequality in China”, Belton Fleisher*, Haizheng Li, Min Qiang Zhao, Journal of Development Economics, Vol. 92, pp. 215-231, 2010.
n “Labor Supply in Urban China”, Haizheng Li*, Jeffrey S. Zax, Journal of Comparative Economics, Vol. 31, No. 4, December 2003, pp. 795-817.
n “Economic Transition and Returns to Education in China”, Haizheng Li*, Economics of Education Review, Vol. 22, No. 3, 2003, pp. 317-328.
n “A Conditional Logit Approach to U.S. State-to-State Migration”, Paul S. Davies, Michael J. Greenwood, Haizheng Li, Journal of Regional Science, Vol. 41, No. 2, 2001, pp. 337-360.
2. 其他论文
n Comment on “What Can Students Gain from China’s Higher Education?”, Haizheng Li, Asian Economic Policy Review, vol. 18(2), pp. 305-306, 2023.
n “The impact of family co-residence and childcare on children’s cognitive skills”, Lanfang Deng, Haizheng Li*, Zhiqiang Liu, Applied Economics, 2022.
n “How the COVID-19 pandemic affects job sentiments of rural teachers”, Haizheng Li, Mingyu Ma, Qinyi Liu*, China Economic Review, vol.72, 2022.
n “Firm-level human capital and innovation: Evidence from China”, Xiuli Sun, Haizheng Li*, Vivek Ghosal, China Economic Review, vol.59, 2020.
n “Human capital and leadership: the impact of cognitive and noncognitive abilities”, Tingting Tong, Haizheng Li, Samuel Greiff, Applied Economics, vol. 51(53), pp. 5741-5752, 2019.
n “Pricing Strategies in Online Book Industry: A Comparative Study”, Jifeng Luo, Han Zhang*, Haizheng Li, Information Systems and e-Business Management, Vol. 16(4), pp. 791-816, 2018.
n “Demand for MOOC-An Application of Big Data”, Tingting Tong*, Haizheng Li, China Economic Review, Vol. 51, pp. 194-207, 2018.
n “Identifying Human Capital Externality: Evidence from China”, Yunling Liang, Zhiqiang Liu*, Haizheng Li, Journal of Management Science and Engineering, Vol. 1(1), pp. 75-93, 2016.
n “The Earnings Effect of Health and Health-Related Activities: A Panel Data Approach”, Yuxi Xiao, Haizheng Li, Belton Fleisher*, Applied Economics, Vol. 47(14), pp. 1407-1423, 2015.
n “Human Capital Estimates in China: New Panel Data 1985-2010”, Haizheng Li*, Qinyi Liu, Bo Li, Barbara Fraumeni, Xiaobei Zhang, China Economic Review, Vol. 30, pp. 397-418, 2014.
n “Human Capital in China, 1985-2008”, Haizheng Li*, Yunling Liang, Barbara M. Fraumeni, Zhiqiang Liu, Xiaojun Wang, Review of Income and Wealth, Vol. 59(2), pp. 212-234, 2013.
n “Social Networks and Study Abroad --The Case of Chinese Visiting Students in the US”, Lan Ding*, Haizheng Li, China Economic Review, Vol. 23(3), pp. 580-589, 2012.
n “Determinants of Online Merchant Rating: Content Analysis of Yahoo Merchant Comments", Zhe Qu, Han Zhang*, Haizheng Li, Decision Support Systems, Vol. 46, pp. 440-449, 2008.
n “Political Freedom, Economic Freedom and Income Convergence: Do Stages of Economic Development Matter?”, Zhenhui Xu*, Haizheng Li, Public Choice, Vol. 135, pp.183-205, 2008.
n “Industry Consolidation and Price in the U.S. Linerboard Industry”, Haizheng Li*, Jifeng Luo, Journal of Forest Economics, Vol. 14(2), pp. 93-115, 2008.
n “Economic Convergence in Seven Asian Economies”, Haizheng Li, Zhenhui Xu*, Review of Development Economics, 11 (3), pp. 531-549, 2007.
n “Economic Transition and Demand Pattern: Evidence from China’s Paper and Paperboard Industry”, Haizheng Li, Jifeng Luo, Patrick McCarthy*, China Economic Review, Volume 17, Issue 3, pp. 321-336, 2006. (Reprinted in Market Development in China: Spillovers, Growth and Inequality, edited by Belton Fleisher, Haizheng Li and Shunfeng Song, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2007, pp. 124-145).
n “Factors Affecting Payment Choices in Online Auctions: A Study of eBay Traders”, Han Zhang*, Haizheng Li, Decision Support Systems, Vol 42/2 pp. 1076-1088, 2006.
n “Reporting Errors, Ability Heterogeneity, and Returns to Schooling in China?”, Haizheng Li*, Yi Luo, Pacific Economic Review, Special Issue edited by Orley C. Ashenfelter and Junsen Zhang, Vol. 9, pp.191-207, 2004.
n “The Determinants of China’s Temporary Rural-Urban Migration”, Haizheng Li, Steven Zahniser, Urban Studies, special issue, edited by Kenneth A. Small, Vol. 39, No.12, 2002, pp. 2219 - 2235.
n “Economic Efficiency and Social Insurance Reforms in China”, Haizheng Li*, Contemporary Economic Policy, Vol. 18, No.2, April 2000, pp. 194-204.
五、 中文学术期刊论文
n “区域社会经济的协调发展管理研究热点分析”,黄季焜,陈彬,邓祥征,方德斌,黄海军,李海峥,李善同,刘守英,魏后凯,张晓波,张维,李磊,徐淑贤,管理科学学报,第24卷第8期,163-170页,2021.
n “人口结构变化与社会经济发展”,赵耀辉,杨翠红,李善同,左学金,钟甫宁,方新,王丰,张俊森,李树茁,刘善仕,李海峥,方汉明,张维,李磊,张琴,管理科学学报,第24卷第8期,154-162页,2021.
n “基于工资的人力资本度量:从微观个体到宏观总量”,李海峥,苏妍,熊咸芳,许伊婷,计量经济学报,第三期,518-540页,2021.
n “创新型网络教育与欠发达地区基础教育质量提升”,宁宇哲,陈兴,李海峥,刘智强,杨帆征,于丽,教育学报, 第二期, 75-84页, 2020.
n “人力资本结构高级化与经济增长—兼论东中西部地区差距的形成和缩小”,刘智勇,李海峥,胡永远,李陈华,经济研究, 第三期, 50-63页, 2018.
n “基于人力资本的劳动力质量地区差异”,李海峥,唐棠, 中央财经大学学报, 第八期, 72-80页, 2015.
n “中国人力资本的度量: 方法、结果及应用”,李海峥,李波,裘越芳,郭大治,唐棠, 中央财经大学学报, 第五期, 69-78页, 2014.
n “中国人力资本的区域分布及发展动态”,李海峥,贾娜, 张晓蓓, Barbara Fraumeni, 经济研究, 第七版, 49-62页, 2013.
n “中国人力资本测度与指数构建”,李海峥,梁赟玲, Barbara Fraumeni, 刘智强, 王小军, 经济研究, 第八版, 42-54页, 2010. (再版于《中国社会科学》, 第12版, 2010.)
六、 主编及参编的著作
n “Human Capital of Mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, 1997-2018”(与熊咸芳, 陈兴, 宁宇哲, Belton Fleisher合作), chapter 7 in: Measuring Human Capital, edited by Barbara M. Fraumeni, Academic Press, pp. 139–166, 2021.
n “从人力资本研究角度分析“青椒计划”对于青年教师成长的意义”(与顾鑫, 李鑫, 马明宇, 漆萍, 苏妍, 许伊婷合作),整合、陪伴、激励的力量——青椒计划探索中国乡村教师成长的创新实践,主编,汤敏,朱旭东,吴虹,华东师范大学出版社,2021.
n “北京市人力资本与物质资本比较研究” (与孙越, 裘越芳, 郭大治合作),北京人才蓝皮书《北京人才发展报告(2015-2016)》,刘敏华主编,社会科学文献出版社,2016.
n “基于人力资本视角的京、津、冀对比研究” (与郭大治,裘越芳合作), 北京人才蓝皮书《北京人才发展报告 (2013-2014) 》, 于淼主编, 社会科学文献出版社, 2014.
n “Human Capital: Schooling” (与刘沁怡合作), in Oxford Companion to the Economics of China, edited by Shenggen Fan, Ravi Kanbur, Shang-Jin Wei and Xiaobo Zhang, Oxford University Press, pp. 465-471, 2014.
n “北京市人力资本度量研究-J-F终生收入法的应用” (与贾娜, 张晓蓓合作), 北京人才蓝皮书《北京人才发展报告(2010-2011)》, 张志伟主编, 社会科学文献出版社, pp. 57-79, 2011.
n “Human Capital Index in China” (with Barbara Fraumeni), in The Changing Wealth of Nations, Washington, DC: World Bank, Chapter 6, pp. 105-114, 2010.
n “High Education in China--Complement or Competition to US Universities,” National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) invited book chapter, American Universities in Global Competition, edited by Charles T. Clotfelter, University of Chicago Press, Chapter 8, pp. 269-304, 2010.
n “The Effect of Education and Wage Determination in China’s Rural Industry” (with Aselia Urmanbetova), in Private Enterprises and China's Economic Development, edited by Shuanglin Lin, Xiaodong Zhu, Routledge, Chapter 14, 2007.
n 主编: Market Development in China: Spillovers, Growth and Inequality (with Belton Fleisher and Shunfeng Song), ISBN 978 1 84542 851 8, Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 2007.
n “中国工业发展和生产率的地区差异” (with Belton Fleisher and Minqiang Zhao), in 《中国地区差异的经济分析》, 世界银行编辑, by Anwar Shah, Chunli Shen, and Heng-fu Zou, The World Bank invited contribution, 人民出版社, 2006, pp. 244-281.
n “中国农村产业中的教育回报与工资决定” (with Aselia Urmanbetova), in 《民营经济与中国发展》 edited by Shuanglin Lin, Zhenzhong Wang, and Zhunsheng Yin, 北京大学出版社, in Chinese, 2006, pp. 97-112.
n “Labor Policy, Employment, and Unemployment,” in: China Today: An Encyclopedia of Life in The People’s Republic, edited by Jing Luo, Greenwood Press, Vol. I, 2005, pp. 337-339.
n “Reconfiguration of the Labor Market” (with G. Yang), in: The Globalization of the Chinese Economy, Edited by S. Wei, G. Wen and H. Zhou, Edward Elgar Publishing, Inc., MA, 2002, Page 103-117.
n “Another Look at Mortgage Lending Discriminations: A Review of Findings” (with T. D. Boston, U. Nair, and W. Belton), in: Leading Issues in Black Political Economy, edited by T.D. Boston, 2002, pp. 419-440.
n “How Will China’s Accession to the WTO Affect Its Labor Markets? –A CGE Approach” (with T. Rutherford and G. Yang), in: Development through Globalization: China's Opportunity and Challenge in the New Century, edited by G. Wen et. al., in Chinese, Renmin University Press, Beijing, 2001, pp. 130-144.
n “Efficiency and the Mechanism for Funding and Provision of Social Security in China” (with J. R. Mrozek), in: Social Security Reform: Options for China, edited by Jason Z. Yin, S. Lin, and D. F. Gates, World Scientific, New Jersey, 2000, page 96-116.
n “中国经济转型与劳动力供給” (与Jeffrey Zax合作), 《中国劳动力市场与就业问题》, 主编, Y. Wang and A. Chen, 西南财经大学出版社, 2000, pp. 217-233.
n “台湾全民健康保险的成本与效率—对中国大陆全民健康保险改革的意义”, 《亚洲金融危机与台湾经济》, 主编B. Chen and S. Huang, 中国经济出版社, 北京, pp. 181-204.
n “中国金融社会保险:由谁来承担?” (与Janusz Mrozek合作), 《中国社会保障体制改革》, 主编, D. Xu, Z. Yin and Y. Zheng, 经济科学出版社, 北京, 1999, pp. 292-304.
n 《劳动经济与人力资源管理》(与T. Yang and G. Qi合作), 中国人民大学出版社, 1999.
七、 科研课题(主持)
1. 主要课题
n 国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国人口数量与质量及其对经济发展的作用”项目的主要负责人, 经费450,000, 项目批准号为 72273163, 2023.1-2026.12.
n 国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国人力资本的度量研究:扩展及深化”项目的主要负责人, 经费500,000人民币, 项目批准号为 71773151, 2018.1-2021.12.
n 国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国人力资本指数体系完善及其应用”项目的主要负责人, 经费540,000人民币, 项目批准号为71273288, 2013.1-2016.12.
n 欧盟“Life-Long Learning, Innovation, Growth & Human Capital Tracks in Europe"(LLLight)”(终身学习,创新,经济增长与欧洲人力资本发展)的子项目“Human Capital and Skill Formation” (人力资本与技能培养) 项目主要负责人, 经费110,250欧元, 2012-2016.
n 国家自然科学基金面上项目“中国人力资本的测量及人力资本指标体系的构建”项 目的主要负责人, 经费260,000人民币, 项目批准号为70973147, 2010.1-2012.12.
2. 其他课题
n 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目“人力资本的度量研究:基于教育质量和企业管理技能的扩展”项目主要负责人,经费150,000,项目批准号为72111540274,2022.01-2023.12.
n 盖茨基金会“FOUNDATIONAL WORK IN THE STUDY OF STUDENT MIGRATION: POST SECONDARY DATA OPPORTUNITIES.”项目共同负责人,Award #000625, worktag GR00002965, 01/2020-12/2020. 所负责部分的经费为166,694美元。(项目总经费446,721美元,主要负责人,Julia Melkers,佐治亚理工大学公共政策学院)
n 国家自然科学基金应急管理项目“国家自然科学基金对数据研究中心的过程管理研究”项目的主要负责人, 经费180,000人民币, 项目批准号为 71740005, 2017.7-2018.12.
n 国家自然科学基金科学部主任基金项目“国家自然科学基金大型数据项目管理研究-中期评审”项目的主要负责人,经费133,000人民币, 项目批准号为 71540009, 2016.1-12.
n 国家自然科学基金科学部主任基金项目“经济科学“十三五”发展规划的研究及制定”项目的主要负责人, 经费100,000人民币, 项目批准号为71440003, 2014-2015.
n 国家自然科学基金专项基金项目“国家自然科学基金加大支持经济学科研究的依据及建议”项目的主要负责人, 经费100,000人民币, 项目批号71350004, 期限半年, 2013.7-2013.12.
n 国家自然科学基金专项基金项目“国家自然科学基金大型数据项目管理研究—项目启动评估及年度评估”项目的主要负责人, 经费150,000人民币, 项目批号71240020, 期限一年, 2013.1-2013.12.
n 国家自然科学基金科学部主任基金项目“国家自然科学基金重大数据项目管理研究”项目主要负责人, 经费120,000人民币, 项目批准号为71140002, 2011.4-2012.4.
n 教育部“人力资本对经济的贡献率”项目负责人, 经费30,000人民币, 2010.6.
n 国家自然科学基金项目“关于国家自然科学基金资助经济管理基础数据建设的可行性研究”项目的主要负责人, 科学部主任基金, 80,000人民币, 项目批准号为70940004, 2009.6-2010.12.
n 湖南大学985工程“经济转型与经济发展”首席科学家, 经费125万人民币, 期限三年, 2005.1-2007.12.
n Sloan Foundation Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies(斯隆造纸商业与行业研究中心)项目负责人, “Price Volatility, Inventory and Industry Consolidation in Pulp & Paper Industry,” “纸及纸浆行业的价格波动、存货及行业合并”, (与Patrick McCarthy and Rehim Kilik合作), 经费7.8166万美金(外加研究生学费全免)期限两年, 2004.6-2006.7.
n Sloan Foundation Center for Paper Business and Industry Studies(斯隆造纸商业与行业研究中心)项目负责人, “Price Behavior (and Forecasting and Elasticities) in Pulp & Paper Industry,” “纸及纸浆行业价格行为(预测与弹性)”, (与Shomu Banerjee, JC Lu, Patrick McCarthy, and Arthur Ragauskas合作), 经费23.0456万美元, (外加研究生学费全免), 期限3年, 2001.6-2004.12.7.
n Georgia Tech Foundation Grant on research (佐治亚理工研究基金资助), “Two Projects on China’s Labor Market,” (“中国劳动力市场”), 经费3千美金, 2004.3.
n Ford Foundation-Chinese Economists Society Teaching Grant (福特基金-中国留美经济学会教学资助), “Introductory Econometric Methods,” (“计量经济学”), 教学地点为湖南大学, 经费2千美金, 2004.5.
n Georgia Tech Foundation Grant on Graduate Research (佐治亚理工研究生研究基金资助), 经费3千美金, 2001.8.
n Georgia Tech Undergraduate Research Program Fund (佐治亚理工本科生研究计划基金), 经费1250美金, 2001.4.
n 中国教育部, “春晖项目”资助, 提供中国研究性旅行的国际航班费用, 2000.7.
n Chinese Economist Society and China Reunification Alliance (中国留美经济学会与中国统一联盟), 研究旅行资助, 提供一半国际航班费用及为期两周的台湾访问全部开支, 1998.6.
n Georgia Tech Foundation Grant on Curriculum Development (佐治亚理工课程发展基金资助), “Classroom Demonstration of Computer Technologies in Econometrics”, (“有关计量经济学对计算机技术在教室运用的实证分析”), 经费2037美金, 1998.7.
n Ford Foundation-Chinese Economists Society Teaching Grant (福特基金-中国留美经济学会教学资助), “Introductory Business and Economic Forecasting”, (“商业与经济预测”), 经费1700美元, 1998.4.
3. 横向课题(近5年)
n 友成企业家扶贫基金会横向课题,““青椒计划” 评估项目”,2018.09-2025.06。
n 济南人力资本产业研究院横向课题,“人才定价基本模型的建立、测试及应用”, 2019.11-2024.12。
n 中国长江经济带发展研究院横向课题,“人力资本证券化的可行性研究”,2023.10-2024.05。