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Belton Fleisher

发布时间:2016-01-20 点击次数:


“Economic Transition, Higher Education, and Worker Productivity in China,”(with Haizheng Li, Yifan Hu, and Seonghoon Kim), Journal of Development Economics 94 (2011), 86-94.

“Human Capital, Economic Growth, and Regional Inequality in China,” (with Haizheng Li and Min Qiang Zhao) Journal of Development Economics 92,2 (2010), 215-231.

The Evolution of an Industrial Cluster in China (with William McGuire, Dinghuan Hu,and Xiaobo Zhang), China Economic Review 21, 2010, 456-459.

Pitfalls in Evaluating Teaching:  The Case of Higher Education (with Bruce Weinberg and Masanori Hashimoto), Journal of Economic Education 40 (3) 2009 227-261.

Problems of China’s Rural Labor Markets and Rural-Urban Migration, (with Dennis T.Yang), Chinese Economy 39,3 2006 , 6-25.

Returns to Schooling during Early Transition: Evidence from Central and Eastern Europe,China, and Russia, (with Xiaojun Wang and Klara Sabirianova Peter) Journal of Comparative Economics 33,2, 2005, 351-370.

Returns to Schooling in China under Planning and Reform, (with Xiaojun Wang),Journal of Comparative Economics 33,2, 2005, 265-277.

China’s Labor Markets (with Dennis T. Yang), China Economic Review 14,4 (2004),426-433.

Heterogeneous Expectations and Stock Prices in Segmented Markets:  Application to Chinese Firms (with Lianfa Li), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance  44 (2004): 521-538.

Skill Differentials, Return to Schooling, and Market Segmentation in a Transition Economy: The Case of Mainland China (with Xiaojun Wang)  Journal of Development Economics 73,1 (2004), 715-728.

Potential Residual and Relative Wages in Chinese Township  and Village Enterprises,(with Xiaojun Wang)  Journal of Comparative Economics  31,3 (September,2003), 429-443 .

Foreign GTAs Can Be Effective Teachers of Economics, (with Masanori Hashimoto andBruce Weinberg) Journal of Economic Education 33,4 (Fall 2002), 299-326.

Efficiency Wages and Work Incentives in Urban and Rural China (with Xiaojun Wang) Journal of Comparative Economics, 29,4 (December 2001), 645-662.

Why Does Return Volatility Differ in Chinese Stock Markets?, (with Dongwei Su).Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 7,5 (1999), pp. 557-586

Efficiency of Chinese Stock Markets: Some Preliminary Evidence (with Dongwei Su),Accounting and Business Review 6,2 (1999), pp 171-188.

An Empirical Investigation of Underpricing in Chinese IPOs, (with Dongwei Su),Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 7:172-202 (1999)

Risk, Return, and Regulation in Chinese Stock Markets, (with Dongwei Su), Journal of Economics and Business 50:239-256 (1998), pp. 239-56

What Explains the High IPO Returns in China? (with Dongwei Su), Emerging Markets Quarterly, Summer, 1998.

The Role of Housing Privatization and Labor-Market Reform in China's Dual Economy, (with Stephen M. Hills and Yong Yin)  China Economic Review, 8,1;  1-18(Spring, 1997).

Education and Regional Economic Development in China:  The Case of Shanghai, (with Stephen Hills)  Comparative Economic Studies, XXXIX no. 3-4 (Fall-Winter 1997)  

The Coast-Noncoast Income Gap, Productivity, and Regional Economic Policy in China, (with Jian Chen), Journal of Comparative Economics, 25, no. 2; 220-36 (October,1997).

Regional Income Inequality and Economic Growth in China, (with Jian Chen) Journal of Comparative Economics 22, 2:141-164 (April, 1996)

Education, Enterprise Organization, and Productivity in the Chinese Paper Industry, (with Keyong Dong and Yunhua Liu).  Economic Development and Cultural Change 44, 3;  571-87 (April, 1996).

Financial Intermediation, Inflation, and Capital Formation in Rural China, (with Y. Liu and H. Li), China Economic Review 5, 1 (Spring, 1994), 101-116.

Economies of Scale, Plot Size, Human Capital, and Productivity in Chinese Agriculture, (with Yunhua Liu), Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance  32, 3 (Autumn,1992),  111-123.

Marginal Productivity, Money, and Wage rates in China, 1952-1987, (with Hongyi Li,Yueran Wen, and Kejian Yang) Quarterly Review of Economics and Business 31,2  (Summer, 1991),  57-65.      

The Loanable-Funds Approach to Teaching Principles of Macroeconomics (with Kenneth J. Kopecky) Journal of Economic Education (Winter, 1987)  19-33.




Husband's Health and the Wife's Labor Supply, (with Mark C. Berger), Journal of Health Economics, 3 (1984),  63-75.

Minimum Wage Regulation in Retail Trade, Eastern Economic  Journal, April 1981, 4 75-95.

Individual Labor Force Decisions and Unemployment in Local Labor Markets (with George F. Rhodes, Jr.),  Review of  Economics and Statistics, 61,  (November 1979),  629-34.

Fertility, Women's Wage Rates, and Labor Supply,  American  Economic Review  69, (March, 1979)  14-24 (with G. Rhodes).

Mother's Home time and the Production of Child Quality, Demography, 14, No. 2 May 1977  197-212.

Unemployment and the Labor Force Participation of Married Men and Women:  A Simultaneous Model (with George Rhodes), Review of Economics and Statistics,58, November 1976  398-406.

Employment and Wage Rates in Retail Trade Subsequent to the 1961 Amendment of the Fair Labor Standards Act (with William J. Shkurti), Southern Economic Journal,34, July 1968  37-48.

The Effect of Income on Delinquency,  American Economic  Review, 48, March 1966 1188-37

The Effect of Unemployment on Juvenile Delinquency, Journal of Political Economy, 71,December 1963 (pp. 543-55).  

Some Economic Aspects of Puerto Rican Migration to the United States,  Review of Economics and Statistics, 45,  (April, 1963) (pp. 245-53).

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