Title: Tenure System and Its Impact on Grading Leniency, Teaching Effectiveness and Student EffortSpeaker: Shao-Hsun Keng Abstract: This study provides new e...
主 题:Patient Violence and the Provision of Medical Services主讲人:赵昕摘 要:“Defensive medicine” is seen as one of the major drivers of high health...
Topic: Workplace flexibility and job application decisions: A field experiment Speaker:Weng Xi,Renmin University, Her interest: Labor Economics and Exper...
中央财经大学人力资本与劳动经济研究中心启动2018年博士申请考核制招生报名程序,有关规定和安排如下: 一、申请条件 1.申请者为国内高水平大学全日制普通硕士毕业...
主 题:Can Microcredit Program Crowd out Informal Financial Networks? Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial in China主讲人:蔡澍摘 要:This study find...
The Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research (CHLR), Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE), Beijing-China, is seeking to hire, subject...