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研究包括利用微观计量经济学的方法和产业经济学视角研究健康医疗领域的问题,医疗政策如何影响医疗服务提供者的行为,对社会福利的影响等,比如制药行业的专利政策对患者福利的影响;药品新添的临床使用信息如何影响医生的处方行为。其研究发表于Health Economics, Economics Letters, American Journal of Health Economics, China Economic Review, The Oxford Handbook of Venture Capital等。曾多次在国际前沿产业组织和健康经济学会议中宣讲,包括第131415届国际产业组织会议,第567届美国健康经济学家协会(双)年会,欧洲产业组织年会等。

New Publications

l Pharmaceuticals, Incremental Innovation and Market Exclusivity, International Journal of Industrial Organization, Volume 87, March 2023, ISSN 01677187, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijindorg.2023.102922.

l Impact of Antitrust Regulations on Firm Market ValueEvidence from Chinese and U.S. Internet Platforms, (with Yong Huang, Yanhua Zhang and Shan Zhao), 2024. forthcoming at Review of Industrial Organization.

Working Papers

l Has the Shortened Drug Distribution Chain Cut Drug Prices? Evidence from the TwoInvoice System in China, (with Xiaoxi Li, Fanyu Liu and Jianye Yan), October 2023.

