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发布时间:2015-09-19 06:11:00  点击:  来源:中国人力资本与劳动经济研究中心

The Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research (CHLR), Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing-China, is seeking to hire, subject to budgetary approval, two full-time faculty members at the Assistant Professor level. The positions begin in August 2016. Candidates in the fields of Development Economics, Health Economics, and Labor Economics will be considered. Candidates should demonstrate promise of outstanding scholarship and teaching ability, and must have or expect to have a Ph.D. in Economics by August 2016. Compensation is competitive and includes research fund and housing subsidy. To apply, submit through JOE: Cover letter, CV, job market paper, three reference letters, and sample teaching evaluations (if available). Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled. However, to be considered for interview at the 2016 AEA Annual Meetings in San Francisco, applications must be received by December 15, 2015. Contact recruitment committee Chair, Zhiqiang Liu, at zqliu@buffalo.edu for questions.

CHLR has 6 full-time faculty, 7 special-term professors, and 11 research fellows. Its graduate programs are comparable to those of research universities in the United States. CHLR holds international conferences annually and undertakes collaborative research projects with scholars in and outside China.

Visit http://humancapital.cufe.edu.cn/ for more information.

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电话(传真):010-62288298 邮件:cufechlr@gmail.com