根据学校《70周年校庆筹备工作推进会》会议精神,人力资本与劳动经济研究中心安排校庆期间活动,如下: (一)校友联络预热阶段 1. 邀请校友返校参加中心人...
请下载查看: Final Conference Program 2018 会议更多内容,请点击:http://humancapital.cufe.edu.cn/rlzbnh_/dsjrlzbgjyth.ht
会议议程12月7日星期五16:00-18:00 注册 融金中财大酒店大厅18:00-19:30 晚餐 ...
Title: Informal Institution meets Child Development: Clan Culture and Child Labor in China (with Can Tang)Speaker: Zhong Zhao Abstract: This paper makes the ...
请下载查看: Preliminary Program with updates 会议更多内容,请点击:http://humancapital.cufe.edu.cn/rlzbnh_/dsjrlzbgjyth.ht
会议议程12月7日星期五16:00-18:00 注册 融金中财大酒店大厅18:00-19:30 晚餐 ...
Title: Leading by example in public goods games with benefit heterogeneitySpeaker: Yu Jing Abstract: Does leadership promote the provision to public goods wh...