亲爱的CHLR校友: 70年龙马乾坤,70载春华秋实。2019年是学校建校70周年,为喜迎建校70周年华诞,现特面向中心广大校友开展有奖征集活动,有关事项通知如下: 一...
Workshop on Advanced Human Capital Research We are pleased to announce that Workshop on Advanced Human Capital Research will be held at Hunan Univers...
联合数据中心成立周年特别讲座:大数据、机器学习和统计学方法(Big Data, Machine Learning and Statistics) 时间:2019年5月6号15:00—16:30联合数据中心成立周年特...
人力资本与劳动经济研究中心2019届校级优秀毕业生评审细则 一、组织构成 人力资本与劳动经济研究中心(以下简称“中心”)2019届校级优秀毕业生评审委员会(以下...
Title: Housing Wealth Shocks and Fertility Choice: Evidence from ChinaSpeaker: Liu Hong Abstract: This paper examines the impact of housing wealth on fertili...
Title: Human Capital Measures: China and the US Speaker: Barbara M. Fraumeni Abstract: This presentation will look at various human capital measures, focusin...
Title: Intra-Industry and Inter-Industry Anomalies Speaker: Yifeng ZhuAbstract: In this paper, we document substantial variations and concentrations of anoma...