Call for Papers

The 1
1th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets


Celebrating Release of the China Human Capital Report 2019

The China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research (CHLR)


Central University of Finance and Economics


December 13-14, 2019
Beijing, China


The conference will mark the release of the eleventh annual China Human Capital Report-2019. It will feature a distinguished keynote speech, plenary and parallel sessions on critical topics related to human capital and labor markets on December 14, preceded by a reception for allattendees on December13.


Keynote speaker


·        Ludger Woessmann


Professor of Economics at the University of Munich and Director of the ifo Center for the Economics of Education at the ifo Institute.


Specially Invited Discussant


·        Yaojiang Shi


Professor and Director,Center for Experimental Economics in Education,Shaanxi Normal University

·        Xiaobo Zhang


Professor, the National School of Develpment of Peking University





We invite submission of individual papers. Topics dealing with broad areas of human capital and labor markets are all welcome.


·        Submit abstract (400-500 words in English) no later than October 20, 2019 online at:

·        Notification of acceptance will be announced by November 5.  


·        Each session consists of 4 papers and discussants.


·        All papers accepted for presentation must be submitted to the conference by November 30 so that discussants have enough time to prepare comments.


Accommodation and Travel Subsidy


·        Presenters (one presenter per paper from outside of Beijing) will be provided with hotel accommodation for two nights and meals during the conference (December 13-14).


·        Junior faculty (within 5 years of receiving Ph.D. and certified by their institution) and Ph.D. candidates (i.e., have passed comprehensive examinations and certified by their office of graduate studies) may apply for international travel subsidy for one half of the airfare up to US$600, subject to budgetary limitations.


·        The application for travel subsidy must be submitted via the CHLR website,, no later than October 25.


·        The decision on the travel subsidy will be announced by November 5.


Registration Fee


We will provide meals during the conference for all registered participants. We will also provide presenters (one presenter per paper) from outside Beijing with hotel accommodation for the nights of Dec. 13thand 14th.


Please go to CHLR conference at: (The system of registration will be open in the middle of October) to register and make hotel reservation.


·        Registration fee:


o  On or before November 20: US$120 or RMB 800; US$70 or RMB 500 for students


o  After November 20: US$150 or RMB 1000; US$100 or RMB 700 for students


China Economic ReviewSpecial Issue


·        All submissions accepted for presentation will be eligible for submission to a Special Issue of China Economic Review.


Contact Information


·        For questions and inquiries, please check the CHLR website email


Organizing Committee
Haizheng Li (Chair), Professor, Georgia Institute of Technology and CHLR

Belton Fleisher (Co-Chair), Professor Emeritus, Ohio State University and CHLR
Zhiqiang Liu, (Co-Chair)
,Professor, SUNY at Buffalo and CHLR

Cynthia A. Bansak, Professor, St. Lawrence University

Barbara Fraumeni, Professor Emerita, University of Southern Maine and CHLR

Carsten Holz, Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and CHLR

Ning Jia, Assistant Professor(Ph.D., University of Notre Dame), CHLR

Shan Li, Assistant Professor, (Ph.D., George Washington University), CHLR
Sophie Wang, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., Simon Fraser University), CHLR
Fanzheng Yang, Assistant Professor (Ph.D., Iowa State University, CHLR  

Nina Yin, Assistant Professor(Ph.D., Toulouse School of Economics), CHLR


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