Complete version for 2020 Human Capital Conference Progra
Brief version for 2019 Human Capital Conference program Complete version for 2019 Human Capital Conference Progra
Call for PapersThe 11th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor Markets Celebrating Release of the China Human Capital Report 2019The China Cente...
Call for PapersThe 11th International Symposium on Human Capital and Labor MarketsCelebrating Release of the China Human Capital Report 2019The China Center...
Title: Intra-Industry and Inter-Industry Anomalies Speaker: Yifeng ZhuAbstract: In this paper, we document substantial variations and concentrations of anoma...
Title: Informal Institution meets Child Development: Clan Culture and Child Labor in China (with Can Tang)Speaker: Zhong Zhao Abstract: This paper makes the ...
Please view: Preliminary Program with updates Please click the link for more details about the conference:
BRIEF CONFERENCE PROGRAMFRIDAY, DECEMBER 7th16:00-18:00 Registration Lobby at Royal King Residence Hot...
Title: Leading by example in public goods games with benefit heterogeneitySpeaker: Yu Jing Abstract: Does leadership promote the provision to public goods wh...
Title:Asymmetric Peer Effects in LyingSpeaker: Zou WenboAbstract:People's lying behaviors are documented to be influenced by their peers. If peer effects in ...