2013 Recruiting Ad

Date:2014-07-25 ClickTimes: Author:

Central University of Finance and Economics
China Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research

Title: Assistant Professor
Section: International: Full-Time Academic (Permanent, Tenure Track or Tenured)
Location: Beijing, Beijing, China
JEL Classification: 00 -- Default: Any Field
Deadline Date: 03/2013

Subject to budget approval, the CHLR (Center for Human Capital and Labor Market Research, Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China) wishes to hire 1-2 faculty members at assistant professor level. The Center invites applicants with research interests in the field of labor economics, development, and related areas. Preference will be given to those with research interest in a broad area of human capital. Compensation is competitive and includes research funding and a housing subsidy. All courses at the CHLR are taught in English. Chinese language is not required, and we welcome applications from academics in all countries. We will conduct interviews at the 2013 AEA meeting.

Application Instructions:
Applicants should follow the instructions at http://www.econjobmarket.org and submit (in electronic form only) detailed curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, sample research papers, sample syllabus and summary teaching evaluations.
Detailed information of the CHLR is available at http://humancapital.cufe.edu.cn/. Contact Recruiting Chair Prof. Xiaojun Wang at xiaojun@hawaii.edu if there is any further question.

Online Application URL: http://www.econjobmarket.org
Note: This employer requires online Application.

For more information, email: xiaojun@hawaii.edu