(4/22)Ronald A. Edwards (艾德荣): Redefining Industrial Revolution: Song China and England

Date:2014-07-25 ClickTimes: Author:

Presenter: Ronald A. Edwards (艾德荣)

Topic: Redefining Industrial Revolution: Song China and England

Time: 16:00-17:30, Apr 22nd, 2013

Location: 608 Acedamic Hall

Abstract I argue that China during the Song Dynasty (960 – 1279 AD) (Song China hereafter) experienced the onset of an Industrial Revolution, preceding England’s by several centuries. The concept of Industrial Revolution is extended to include two types – one non-science based and one science-based. It is argued that the Song China vs. England comparison is more relevant than other comparisons with England. Using both the Song China and England episodes, I introduce a new definition of the onset of an Industrial Revolution, which more clearly identifies and dates the social process. This has important implications for theories of its cause.

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