Double-Teaching Research Project

Date:2015-08-09 ClickTimes: Author:

In March 2015, the China Center for Human Capital and Labor Research Center (CHLR) and the China Social Entrepreneur Foundation (CSEF, reached an agreement for a joint research project, “Double-Teaching Research Project”.

The double-teaching programwas established by CSEF to link the classroom of a top middle school in China --The Middle School Affiliated toRenmin University of China-- withclassrooms in remote rural schools.The program aims toimprove rural education by making quality education resources in urban areas accessible to rural schools through the cutting-edge Internet technology.

The main purpose of the CHLR-CSEF joint research project is to provide a scientific and comprehensive evaluation of the effectiveness of this new educational mechanism usingvarious econometric and experimental design methods.The research is expected to provide helpful suggestions on improving and promotingthe double-teaching program.

More importantly, asthe project tracks both students and teachers as research subjects over time, it allows us to evaluate not just the short-term but longer-term effect of the double-teaching program on the formation of human capital at the individual level. The joint research project is also expected to produce a unique database on education and human capital in poor rural areas, which can be used for studying a variety of issues related to education in rural China. The joint research project is expected to complete in 3-5 years.

The research team at the CHLR, led by Professor Haizheng Li, completed the first roundsurvey,covering over 80 rural schools. Before launching the survey, the research team made a field visitto a school in Yunnan Province and gained valuable information on the design and implementation of the survey. Reportsand academic papers about the project will be released as they become available. For questions and inquiries, please check the CHLR website for updated information or email the project administration assistant, Ms. Huang at