Session A-6: PhD Student Session I - Behavior and Skill Formation

(11:30 AM-12:45 PM, Beijing Time)

Chair: Xu Wang (CUFE,

Coordinator: Jiaan Liu (mobile:15132433585), Sikun Zhu

Critical Women and Confident Men? Differences in Skill Perception and Investment at University

Authors: Liqing Chen (University of Technology Sydney)

Adeline Delavande (Univeristy of Technology Sydney)

Emilia Del Bono (University of Essex)

Angus Holford (University of Essex)

Discussant: Xiaoyuan Kang (Central University of Finance and Economics)

What Makes Firm Loss Just Making CEO More Turnover? Evidence from Top Executive Turnover in China

Author: Xiaofei Jin (Central University of Finance and Economics)

Discussant: Liqing Chen (University of Technology Sydney)

A Study on Comment Behavior of Participants in Online Courses

Authors: Xiaoyuan Kang (Central University of Finance and Economics)

Discussant: Xiaofei Jin (Central University of Finance and Economics)

Session C-4: PhD Students II - Human Capital and Policy

(16:15 PM-18:15 PM, Beijing Time)

Chair: Zhe Wang (CUFE,

Coordinator: Jinglei Li (mobile:18228551710), Yongqi Li

The Impacts of Relaxing Family Planning Policy on Future Population and Human Capital in China

Authors: Chunxiao Zhang (Central University of Finance and Economics)

Discussant: Xinjie Ouyang (Hunan University)

Birth Order Peer Effects on Student’s Cognitive Development: Evidence from China Education Panel Study

Author: Chengxue Huang (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)

Yang Li (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)

Zhenjiang Lin (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)

Molin Li (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)

Discussant: Chunxiao Zhang (Central University of Finance and Economics)

Does House Wealth Improve Children's Obesity and Health Problem?

Authors: Xinjie Ouyang (Hunan University)

Han Dai (Hunan University)

Yaqin Su (Hunan University)

Discussant: Tianyuan Jiang (Central University of Finance and Economics)

Pricing the Missing Intangible Value: Re-estimate Human Capital, R&D Capital and Organization Capital in China A-share Market

Authors: Tianyuan Jiang (Central University of Finance and Economics)

  Huixuan Li (Peking University, Beijing Technology and Business University)

Jing Chen (Peking University, China Agricultural University)

Discussant: Chengxue Huang (University of Nottingham Ningbo China)

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