Zhiqiang Liu

Date:2016-01-21 ClickTimes: Author:

Dr. Zhiqiang Liu is Professor of Economics, University at Buffalo (SUNY). He received B.Sc. from Tianjin University, MBA and PhD from University at Buffalo. His research interests include applied microeconomics, Chinese economy, economic growth and development, and economics of crime. Most of his work concern the Chinese economy dealing with issues such as the return to and investment in human capital, the effect of human capital on rural-urban migration, the role of institutions in economic growth and income distribution, and foreign direct investment as a conduit for technology transfer. He has published numerous articles in academic journals, such as American Journal of Health Economics, Journal of Comparative Economics, Journal of Development Economics, Journal of Human Capital, Journal of Law and Economics, Journal of Political Economy, and Journal of Urban Economics. His co-edited book, “Economics of Crime” was published by Edward Elgar Publishing in 2006. He served on the Board of Directors of the Chinese Economists Society 2006-2007.    

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