Qi Hao: Identifying the "Good Jobs" among the "Lousy" Ones: Job Quality and Economic Independence

Date:2014-07-25 ClickTimes: Author:

Presenter: Qi Hao

Topic: Identifying the "Good Jobs" among the "Lousy" Ones: Job Quality and Economic Independence

Time:16:00-17:30, Dec 5, 2012

Location: At 608 Acedamic Hall

Abstract Low-skilled workers lack marketable skills and typically work in what Goos and Manning (2007) call ``lousy jobs.'' In this study, we identify among these lousy jobs, those that facilitate economic independence among low-skilled single mothers. We call these jobs "good jobs." In our analysis, job attributes are broadened to include non-wage attributes that contribute to future earnings such as job stability and advancement opportunities. We find that even after controlling for a worker's current wage offer and hours of work, the likelihood and the speed of achieving economic independence are highly correlated with employment in occupations with higher growth ratios of part-time workers and unemployment, and occupations that require certificates or educational degrees.